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Teeth Whitening

Restore Your Smile at a Calgary Denture Clinic
If you would like to whiten your smile a little or a lot, we can help choose the system that will work the best for you.  It’s a fact some people are better candidates than others for a successful whitening treatment. The best results are found with people whose teeth have been stained or darkened from age, coffee, tea or smoking.  However, dark gray tones resulting from fluorosis or tetracycline use may respond less dramatically to the whitening. It is also important to know whitening does not change the color of artificial teeth or fillings. The two most popular whitening methods are: Zoom!2 Teeth Whitening System and Take Home Whitening

Zoom!2 Teeth Whitening System

Zoom!2 is a bleaching process which lightens discoloration of enamel and dentin on natural teeth up to 8 shades in just 1 hour. First your lips and gums are covered leaving only your teeth exposed.  We then apply Zoom!2 whitening gel to your teeth. The Zoom!2 light is turned on and the whitening process begins.  The entire process takes about 1 hour.
Is it safe?
Yes.  Extensive research and clinical studies have proven it to be safe.
How long does it last?
Depending on an individual’s personal habits with respect to eating and drinking results may vary not only in color change but also duration of color change.  More vibrant colors of food and drink will directly impact the length at which the lighter color remains.  Touch-ups are normal and can be done at the patients convenience.
Are there any side effects?
If you already experience tooth sensitivity the whitening process may generate short term increased sensitivity that will dissipate.
Who should NOT undergo the Zoom!2 procedure?
Light sensitive individuals, including those undergoing PUVA therapy or other photochemotherapy, or patients with melanoma.  As well people taking light sensitive drugs or substances should consult their physician.

Take Home Whitening

Through the use of dental impressions we can make a model of your mouth on which we make a comfortable, clear, plastic trays.  The tray is like a very thin mouthguard.  At home, you apply the bleaching gel to the tray and wear it for two 15-30 minute sessions each day until you have reached your desired color.  It is comfortable enough to wear either at night or during the day.

Although it is difficult to predict the whitening this particular method will achieve, you can anticipate a 2-4 shade improvement.

Teeth Whitening Gallery

There are two ways to whiten teeth without changing their shape. One way is to whiten, or bleach, them at home using custom trays we make for you. The other way is to power bleach them in the office.

Teeth Whitening Gallery Case 1

The choice in this case was to whiten the teeth at home. This consists of wearing a custom tray filled with a whitening solution for about a two week period. The time it takes to whiten your teeth, and the amount that they will whiten will vary from individual to individual.

Teeth Whitening Gallery Case 2

This patient preferred to have her teeth whitened in the office. The procedure required one appointment.

The results, in this case, were dramatic. Some sensitivity after the procedure is normal and should disappear in a few days. Results vary from individual to individual.


Teeth Whitening Gallery Case 3

This patient was happy with the shape of her teeth but she did not like the color.

She elected to have the whitening procedure done in the office and she was very pleased with the results.

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